In every home, the fridge is the heart of the kitchen. Without this crucial appliance, everything falls apart. However, regardless of this fact, our fridges are surely one of the most left-out appliances in any home when it comes to organisation. Most of us rearrange our drawers and cabinets to obtain the maximum space efficiency, while many others purchase bigger fridges simply to make their culinary playground more space-efficient. Some people have even gone so far as giving up on fantastic homes because there wasn’t enough counter space.
When it comes to our fridges, however, we have a habit of just chucking things in and hoping for the best. This is one of the most common reasons why we end up wasting excessive quantities of food. It’s also the reason we have difficulties finding that tub of cream cheese and unpacking the entire fridge to find the mustard stored somewhere in the back.
A little bit more organisation in the fridge can do wonders for the space efficiency. By simply arranging things better, you will know where everything is at a glance, increasing product their shelf-life and lowering your electricity bill. We answer the questions related to increasing efficiency in your fridge below.
Where should I store my condiments?
It’s common practice for us to stuff our fridge door with condiments. While some of these products need to be refrigerated, most don’t and can be safely kept in a cabinet. Condiments like ketchup, mustard, and vinegar (just to name a few) will last for months in your cupboard or on your counter. So remove items that don’t necessarily need to be refrigerated. This will save you space and decrease the energy needed to keep your fridge working efficiently. It will also help make it simpler for you to store and find things.
While most condiments are fine on the shelf, egg-based ones (such as mayonnaise), and veggie-based ones (like pickles and capers) must be kept in the fridge. That said, it goes without saying that all condiment will be fine before being opened. So if you purchase a jar of olives or a tub of mayonnaise, these kinds of condiments are best kept out of the fridge until they are ready to be used.
What should I pack in my fridge door?
The fridge door serves two purposes: it’s the easiest part of the fridge to access, and the least cold part of the fridge. As such, choose to stock it with items that you use more frequently. However, these items do not need to be kept freezing cold. For example, there is a reason for a butter shelf in the fridge. So use the door for items such as butter, and condiments (only the ones that really need to be chilled), as well as your juices and or beverages.
What goes at the back of the bottom shelf of the fridge?
The coldest part in your refrigerator is at the very back. If your fridge doesn’t have special compartments like the GRUNDIG Customfresh+, Fullfresh+ or Superfresh technologies, you’ll want to store your meat and seafood in the back in order to keep it fresh for the longest time possible. It is best to use the back of the bottom shelf in particular, partly because the fridge is colder at the bottom, and partly for sanitary reasons, in case of any leakage.
What goes in the front and centre of the fridge?
Your go-to items. As the back of the bottom shelf is the coldest section of the fridge, it naturally follows that the front of the top shelf is not as cold. It’s also the first thing you see when you open your fridge and sits at the ideal arm and eye level. To use this space more efficiently store the more regularly used items here. Items such as milk, eggs, yoghurt, and things that will be gone in a day or two (like leftovers).
Should I use bins and containers in the fridge?
When your fridge gets too full, it becomes much harder to find certain items, especially the smaller ones. A helpful trick is to purchase some small packing containers and store similar ingredients in them. For example, put all your cheeses in one, all small veggies in another. Doing this makes it a lot less complicated to find exactly what you are looking for. Veggies and greens generally require more humidity than meats. So keeping your vegetables in a special compartment like the one found in the GRUNDIG Fullfresh+ fridge makes a lot of sense. It’s a hands-off, practical way to adjust the humidity and temperature levels perfectly and ensure your goods are kept fresher for longer.
Should I always check the fridge temperature?
Over time, the fridge temperature will change, so it’s crucial to check the temperature on a regular basis. You should never let the temperature be above 4°C, the ideal temperature range is 1–3°C. As some fridges age over time, you will have to adjust the temperature gauge accordingly. Doing this will help keep your food healthy and fresh.